Reading Unit 3: Ways of socialising Cách thức giao tiếp xã hội

Phần reading hôm nay sẽ giới thiệu bài viết về cách thức giao tiếp ngôn ngữ và phi ngôn ngữ trong giao tiếp xã hội. Bài viết cung cấp các từ vựng và cấu trúc cần lưu ý, cũng như hướng dẫn giải các bài tập trong sách giáo khoa.
Bài reading Unit 3: Ways of socialising

I. Từ vựng

  • social  ['sou∫l] (adj): thuộc xã hội
  • to socialise (v): xã hội hóa
  • verbal  ['və:bl] (a): bằng lời, hữu ngôn  
  • non-verbal (a): phi ngôn
  • informality (n): sự thân mật
  • nod (v): gật đầu
  • to whistle [wisl] (v): huýt sáo
  • slightly [‘slaitli] (adv): nhẹ nhàng
  • to wave (v): vẫy tay

II. Cấu trúc cần lưu ý

  • to attract sb’s attention (v): gây (thu hút) sự chú ý của ai
  • to raise one’s hand: giơ tay
  • to jump up and down: nhảy lên và xuống
  • to catch one’s eye: đón lấy ánh mắt của ai
  • to rude to sb: khiếm nhã, bất lịch sự với ai

III. Hướng dẫn giải bài tập

1. Before you read (Trước khi bạn đọc)

  • 1. What are the people in the picture doing? (Những người ở trong tranh đang làm gì?)

In the upper picture, the two men are shaking hands and saying the greetings to each other. (Ở bức tranh bên trên, hai người đàn ông đang bắt tay và nói lời chào với nhau.)

In the lower picture, people are waving and saying "goodbye" to one another. (Ở bức tranh bên dưới, mọi người đang vẫy tay và nói lời tạm biệt với nhau.)

  • 2. What will you do and/or say if (Bạn sẽ làm gì/ hoặc nói gì nếu)

You want to get your teacher’s attention in class? (Bạn muốn có được sự chú ý của giáo viên trong lớp?)

In class, to get my teacher’s attention, I usually raise my hand. (Trong lớp, để có được sự chú ý của giáo viên, tôi luôn giơ tay lên.)

You need to ask someone a question, but they are busy talking to someone else? (Bạn cần hỏi ai đó vài câu hỏi, nhưng họ đang bận nói chuyện với một người khác?)

To ask someone a question, but they’re busy talking to someone else, I will say to him/ her “I’m sorry. I’d like to talk to you,” or “I'm sorry. I have something to talk to you”, and at the same time I say to their partner “I'm sorry.” (Để hỏi ai đó một câu hỏi, nhưng họ đang bận nói chuyện với một người khác, tôi sẽ nói với anh ấy/ cô ấy "Xin lỗi. Tôi muốn nói chuyện với bạn." hoặc "Xin lỗi. Tôi có vài điều muốn nói với bạn." và lúc đó tôi nói với người kia rằng "Tôi xin lỗi.")

2. While you read (Trong khi bạn đọc)

Dưới đây là nội dung bài đọc trong sách giáo khoa:

To attract someone’s attention so that we might speak to that person, we can use either verbal or non-verbal forms of communication . Let us discuss non-verbal communication in English first. Probably the most common way of attracting someone’s attention is by waving . For example , if we are at a noisy party and see a friend, Lym, in the door about 20 meres away, we might raise our hand and wave to her as a signal that we see her. 

But how hard can we wave in a situation like this? Suppose you are at the airport, and you see your brother get off the plane and begin walking towards you . If you're excited you might jump up and down and wave as hard as you can to attract his attention. This is the instance where big, obivious no-verbal signals are appopriate. 
But there are some social situations where small non-verbal attention getters are more appropriate. In a restaurant, for example, if we want to attract the attentions of our waiter, we have several choices . We can wait until he passes near us, catch his eye and nod slightly to let him know that we need assistance. We do not whistle or clap our hands to get the person's attention . That is considered impolite and even rude.

In most social situations where some informality is allowed, a brief raise of the hand or a small wave is fine. For instance, if you are walking across the schoolyard and see your teacher approaching you, a small friendly wave to attract his or her attention is appropriate.

Once you’ve got your friend’s attention, you shouldn’t point at the person or thing you want her to look at. A slight nod will do. Point at someone is usually considered rude. Of couse, there are times when pointing is perfectly acceptable such as when a teacher wants to get someone’s attentions in class, the teacher often points to the student and says “ David, would you read the next sentence, please? “. Pointing here is not impolite: it’s simply a way to get someone’s attention.

Task 1: Give the Vietnamese equivalent to the following words anti phrases. (Cho từ tương đương tiếng Việt của những từ và cụm từ sau.)

  • verbal: bằng lời nói                                                   
  • non-verbal: không bằng lời nói                               
  • approach: đến gần
  • attract some's attention: thu hút sự chú ý của ai
  • impolite: thiếu lịch sự
  • rude : vô lễ
  • informality : sự/tính thân mật
  • attention getter : cử chỉ gây sự chú ý
  • a slight nod will do : cái gật đầu nhẹ là đủ.

Task 2: Decide which of the three options below is the best title for the passage. (Quyết định sự chọn lựa nào trong ba chọn lựa dưới đây là chọn lựa thích hợp nhất cho đoạn văn.)

  • A. Attracting Attention: Non-verbal Cues (Thu hút sự chú ý: Ám hiệu phi ngôn ngữ)
  • B. Attracting Attention by Waving (Thu hút sự chú ý bằng việc vẫy tay)
  • C. The Best Ways of Attracting Attention (Những cách tốt nhất để thu hút sự chú ý)

=> Chọn đáp án A.

Task 3: Answer the following questions. (Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.)

  • 1. What can we do when we want to attract someone’s attention?
    When we want to attract someone’s attention, we can use either verbal or non-verbal communication.
  • 2. What are considered to be big, obvious non-verbal signals?
    => They are strong gestures that can be easily seen in the distance.
  • 3. What can we do if we want to attract the waiter’s attention?
    => If we want to attract a waiter’s attention, we can wait until he passes near us, catch his eyes and nod slightly to let him know we would like him to come to our table. Or we can raise our hand slightly to show we need assistance.
  • 4. If you are walking across the schoolyard and see your teacher approaching you, what can you do to attract his or her attention?
    => We can use a small friendly wave to attract his/ her attention.
  • 5. Why shouldn't you point at the person or thing you want your friend to look at once you’ve got his or her attention?
    => Because this action is usually considered rude.

3. After you read (Sau khi bạn đọc)

Work in pairs. Discuss the meanings of whistling and hand-clapping in Vietnamese culture.

(Làm việc từng đôi. Thảo luận ý nghĩa của việc huýt sáo và vỗ tay theo văn hóa Việt Nam.)

Gợi ý hội thoại để thảo luận:

  • A: Do you think whistling and hand-clapping convey different meanings?
  • B: Sure. These two actions have quite different meanings. I think whistling is a signal to show we feel happy or satisfied with something.
  • A: But teenagers, at present, whistle to express their disapproval or protest.
  • B: OK. But only for teenagers. To adults or learned or educated people, they never whistle to show their disapproval or dissatisfaction.
  • A: That’s right. Whistling in crowds is considered impolite or even rude.
  • B: What about hand-clapping?
  • A: In my opinion, hand-clapping is an action used to show one's approval, excitement or enjoyment.
  • B: But I've heard there is a different meaning between common hand-clapping and slow hand-clapping.
  • A: Sorry, I'm not much sure, but as I know slow hand-clapping shows the applause or cheer.
  • B: However slow hand-clapping with shouts can be used to express strong disapproval or protest.
  • A: Thus, we should be careful when we clap our hands.
  • B: Well, I think so.