Giáo án VNEN Unit 11 Our greener world : A closer look 2

Dưới đây là mẫu giáo án VNEN unit 11 Our greener world : A closer look 2. Bài học nằm trong chương trình tiếng Anh 6 tập 2. Bài mẫu có : văn bản text, file PDF, file word đính kèm. Thầy cô giáo có thể tải về để tham khảo. Hi vọng, mẫu giáo án này mang đến sự hữu ích.

Unit 11 : Our greener world
A closer look 2
By the end of the lesson, students can use conditional sentence type 1 correctly and appropriately.
1. Knowledge:
a. Grammar: Conditional type 1
b. Lexical items : -. Vocab: Things that can be reduced, reused and recycled...
c. Pronunciation:
2. Skills:
- Listening, Speaking, Reading,Writing and interactive skills
3. Attitude:
- Cooperation, respect, having right and friendly attitudes with friends, teachers in the new school
4. Quality and competence:
- Be confident and friendly with the new school environment
- Develope listening, speaking skills and cooperative interaction
Teacher’s preparation: Students’ preparation:
- Lesson plan, Pictures, posters ,textbook,CD-MP3(Computer-Multi projector/cassette/ “sách mềm”) and other materials Textbook, notebook, school things.

- Pair work , individual work, group work, T-WC
1-Greeting`and checking students’ adtendence: Total: In: ......... Out: .......... .
2-Checking the old lesson
3-New lesson:
Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Content
1. Warmer
- Greeting.
- Checking attendance.
Asking for the teaching date
2. Revision
- Teacher checks Ss’ homework.
+ One student goes to the board to write new words and practise reading the two sound /ɑ:/ and / æ/.
- Get one student to read the dialogue (Listen and read) by heart.
- Teacher check with students.
3. New lesson
1.Listen again to part... (p51)
- Ask Sts to read the conversation on page 48 while listening to the tape
- Ask them to pay attention to the conditional sentence type 1
- Ask them to look at the Grammar box
Give the use and the form of the conditional sentence type 1
Ex:If we all use this kind of bag, we’ll help the environment.
2. Write the correct.. (P52)
- Teacher asks sts to give the correct verb form.
- Teacher calls one st to do on the board then gives the correct answers
3. Match an if – clause... (P52)
- Teacher asks Sts to do the task individually to match the half sentences
- Call one st to do on the board
- Call others to remark
- Teacher gives the correct answers
4. Combine each pair of sentences... (P52)
- Ask Sts to do the task individually to combine each pair of sentences
- Teacher calls one st to do on the board and others to remark
- Teacher gives the correct answers

5. Use your own idea.. (P52)
- Teacher asks Sts to do the task individually to complete the sentences then compare the answers with their partner
- Call some sts to write their sentences on the board
- Call others to remark
- Teacher gives the correct answers
6. Fun matching (P52)
IV. Consolidation
- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.
V. Homework
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 11: Communication.
Do exercise B3, B4, B5(p.34,35) (Workbook).

- Listen and read

- Individual work

- Individual work

- Individual work

- Individual work

- Whole class

Conditional sentence type 1.
* Grammar box (TB P.51)
* The use: describes a thing which is possible and likely to happen at present or in the future
* The form:
If + S + V ( present simple), S + will/ won’t + V ( infi)
Eg: If you use less paper, you will save a lot of trees.

1. is/ will plant
2. recycle/ will help
3. will save/ don’t waste
4. will have/ use
5. isn’t/ will be
1- c 2- e 3- b
4- a 5- d

(Ss take turns asking and answering about their last weekend.)
1.If we pollute the iar, we will have breathing problems.
2.If people pollute the water, a lot of fish will die
3.If we cut down trees in the forest, there will be more floods
1. If you walk to school, there will be less air pollution.
2. If you use recycled paper, you will save trees in the forest.
3. If the earth becomes hotter, the ice will be melt.
4. If parents teach their children about the three Rs, they will protect the environment better.
5. If you want to save a lot of electricity, you will have to turn off your appliances when you don’t use them.