Giáo án VNEN unit 2 City life: Skills 2

Dưới đây là mẫu giáo án VNEN unit 2 City life: Skills 2. Bài học nằm trong chương trình tiếng Anh 9 tập 1. Bài mẫu có : văn bản text, file PDF, file word đính kèm. Thầy cô giáo có thể tải về để tham khảo. Hi vọng, mẫu giáo án này mang đến sự hữu ích.


Lesson 6:  Skill 2



By the end of the lesson, students can: listen for specific information about some problems of city life, write a paragraph about the disadvantages/drawbacks of city life

  1. Knowledge:
  2. Grammar : present simple, connectors
  3. Lexical items : - vocabulary to describe city life
  4. Skills:

- Listening, Speaking, Reading,Writing and interactive skills

  1. Attitude:

- Cooperation, respect, having right and friendly attitudes with friends, teachers in the new school

  1. Quality and competence:

- Be confident and friendly with the new school environment

- Develope listening, speaking skills and cooperative interaction


1.Teachers preparation:

- Lesson plan, Pictures, posters ,textbook,CD-MP3(Computer-Multi projector/cassette/ “sách mềm”) and other materials

2.Students preparation:

- Textbook, notebook, school things.


- Pair work , individual work, group work, T-WC


1-Greeting`and checking students’ adtendence: Total: In: .........  Out: .......... .

2-Checking the old lesson

3-New lesson:


Teacher ’s activities

Student’s  activities

I. Warm up.

1. Does your city. O rthe one nearest to you... (P23)


- What can you see in the pictures?

- Do you like living in the city or in the country? Why? why not?



(T- whole class)


II. New lesson.

- Preteach some vocab.




Set the scene:

What do you know about Bangkok?

What are the problems in Bangkok?

2. Listen and write the missing word in each gap (P23)

-  Play the recording one or two times. Ask Ss to listen carefully and write down the words they hear in the passage.

- For less able Ss, T may play the recording again, or as many times as needed.-

- Ask ss to share the answer

- Get feedback

3. Listen again and choose the correct answer (P23)

- Play the recording again. Tell Ss to take notes/write down the key words as they listen.

- Then they choose the correct answers as required. Correct as a class.

- Retelling the story: Ask ss to retell about the problems in some cities.


4. Read the paragraph and complete the outline below (P23)

-  TellSs to read the sample paragraph carefully and complete the outline.

- Tell them to pay attention to the connectors/makers: Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly.




5. Choose one item from the list in 1... (P23)

- HaveSs write the paragraph in about 100 words.

- Make sure that they use their outline, along with connectors first/firstly, second/secondly, and pay attention to spelling and punctuation.

- Ss can use the passage in

 4 to help them structure their paragraph.

go round and offer help.

- T may collet some Ss’ papers and mark them, then give comments to the class.

V. Homework.

- Learn by heart the new words

- prepare looking back.


Cities' drawback










* Vocab.

- Increase     (v): gia tăng

- Vehicles    (n): xe cộ

- Crime      (n) tội phạm

- Sprawl       (n) lộn xộn

- Knock down : phá đổ

 - Suffer from: chịu đựng

- Contribute (v): đóng góp, góp phần.



1. Cities       2. Office        3. Traffic      4. Roads








3. Key:

1. C       2. A       3.A       4.B         5. B











Topic sentence: living in a city has a member of drawbacks.

Problem 1: traffic jams and traffic accidents

Problem 2: air pollution

Problem 3: noise/noise pollution

Conclusion: these factors contribute to making city life more difficult for its residents.



- Ss choose one of the items in 1 the write a paragraph

+ make an outline

+ use connectors to connect the ideas.