Giáo án VNEN unit 5 Wonders of Viet Nam: Looking back & Project

Dưới đây là mẫu giáo án VNEN unit 5 Wonders of Viet Nam: Looking back & Project. Bài học nằm trong chương trình tiếng Anh 9 tập 1. Bài mẫu có : văn bản text, file PDF, file word đính kèm. Thầy cô giáo có thể tải về để tham khảo. Hi vọng, mẫu giáo án này mang đến sự hữu ích.



Lesson 7: Looking back and project



By the end of the lesson, students can: practice review the vocabulary and grammar in unit 5


  1. Grammar : impersonal passive and the verb suggest + V-ing/clause with should
  2. Lexical items : words related to wonders of VN
  3. Skills:

- Listening, Speaking, Reading,Writing and interactive skills

  1. Attitude:

- Cooperation, respect, having right and friendly attitudes with friends, teachers in the new school

  1. Quality and competence:

- Be confident and friendly with the new school environment

- Develope listening, speaking skills and cooperative interaction


  1. Teachers preparation:

- Lesson plan, Pictures, posters ,textbook,CD-MP3(Computer-Multi projector/cassette/ “sách mềm”) and other materials

  1. Students preparation:

- Textbook, notebook, school things.


- Pair work , individual work, group work, T-WC


1-Greeting`and checking students’ adtendence: Total: In: .........  Out: .......... .

2-Checking the old lesson

3-New lesson:


Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities

1. Warmer:

 1. Match adjectives in column A in definition in column B (p58)

- Have Ss match adjectives in column A to definitions in column B.

- Ss do the ex.

2. Looking back:

2.Underline the correct word in each sentence... (P58)

- Ask Ss to underline the correct word in each sentence.

- Ss do the task.

3.Use the words from the box to complete the sentences (p58)

- Get Ss to use the words from the box to complete the sentences.

- Ss do the task.

4.Rewrite th folllowing sentences ... (P58)

- Ask Ss to rewrite the following sentences using the impersonal passive.

- Ss write the answers on the board.


5. Imagine your bad things that happened to you yesterday... (P58)

- Ask Ss to work individually to write down four bad things that happened to them yesterday.

- Then have Ss discuss with a partner what they should do in each situation.

- Remind them to use the verb suggest to tell their ideas about what their partners should do in each situation.

Finally, ask Ss to complete the self-assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice.



1. Read this promotional brochure about a man – made wonder of Viet Nam (P59)

- Ask Ss to read the brochure about the Complex of Hue Monuments and point out what information should be included in a brochure about a place of interest.

2. Find a photo or draw a picture of a wonder of Viet Nam... (P59)

- Ask each group to choose one of the wonders of Viet Nam they have visited and design a brochure about it.

- If time allows, T may let Ss complete the project in class.

- Otherwise, Ss can complete the project as homework.

3. Organise an exhibition of posters you have made ... (P59)

- When Ss have f nished their brochures, T asks them to display their leaf ets on the wall /noticeboard.

- T may choose some of the brochures and ask Ss to give comments.

- Finally, ask the whole class to vote for the best.

4.Further practice:

6. In pairs, make travel suggestions using the prompts ... (P58)

Model this activity with a more able student. Ask Ss to work in pairs, one student using prompts in the box to make suggestions and another responding to them.

- T may have Ss refer to how to make and respond to suggestions or recommendations in GETTING STARTED.

- Go around to provide help. Call on some pairs to practise in front of the class.

7.Choose A- F to cpmplete the following conversation... (P59)

- First, ask Ss to do the task individually to choose the sentences (A-F) to complete the conversation.
- Then ask them to check their answers with a partner.

- Confirm the correct answers.

- Ask Ss to practise the conversation with their partner.

5. Production:

- Write new words then learn them by heart.

- Copy the exercise into notebooks.

- Prepare revision for the 45-minute test.


1-b;      2-d;      3-e;       4-a;     5-c







1- fortress;            2- limestone

3- cavern;              4- tombs




1- complex;               2- measures

3- recognition;           4- setting

5- structure



1/It is expected that more than…..

2/It is reported that Thien Duong …

3/It is believed that the Perfume…

4/It is said that Ha Long Bay…

5/It is hoped that many defensive…













The wonders of Viet Nam!




















A: It’s well worth going to the Perfume Pagoda. It’s very picturesque.

B: Yes, that’s what I’ve heard.
















1-E;       2-D;      3-F

4-A;       5-C;      6-B